Thursday, October 31, 2013

Welcome to my little corner of the web!

My inaugural blog post. Oh my...

I've never been that good at blogging before, but I've also never had a themed blog before either. Here's keeping our fingers crossed!

Hopefully this blog will be able to help you out in your quest to get new ideas for dances, make-up, music and really anything else dance related. Now, you might be wondering why I should have a dance blog as opposed to a baking blog or something else. Well, I have been dancing since before I could walk. Over the years, I have tried my hand at as many different dance styles as I could. This includes (but is not limited to) ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical jazz, contemporary and hip-hop. I have experience teaching dance, mostly 3 - 5 yrs ballet & tap, but I've also taught jazz and hip-hop to kids as old as 16. As if that wasn't keeping me busy enough, I also design and make costumes for my current dance studio and help with props and other backstage stuff during shows.  

So far, on my travels online, I haven't found that many really good dance help blogs. There are (of course) tons of blogs out there and I certainly haven't had the time to look at every single one of them. I feel that there should be some blogs that have advice for what songs to use, where to get some good ideas for choreography that isn't just watching So You Think You Can Dance, as amazing as that show is. The main purpose of this blog is to be a resource for those who teach kids of all ages. Somewhere where you can get ideas for different aspects of dance in one place.

I hope that this blog will be able to serve its purpose well. If there is ever anything you have questions about or want to request to see on the blog, comment! I want to help!  

Your V.I.D (very important dancer)
Miranda C


  1. I love this blog. I agree that there are not many sites or blogs regarding dance and having a person share his/her individual passion regarding an art that is so rich is fantastic to me. As an aunt/parent, I appreciate having a place where I can show my nieces someone else who enjoys dancing and I am looking forward to the posts and ideas that you will share. The V.I.D.(Very Important Dancer) tag is super cute and I believe you are going to do great things Miranda! Much support and love to you.

  2. This is a great start to your blog Miranda! In my opinion it's always important to write about something that is meaningful in your life or that you have a deep interest in. Obviously with all your experience you are most definitely a dance expert. I hope you enjoy blogging because it is really fun to voice your opinion and talk about the things that make you happy.

    Quick question...what are your thoughts regarding other dance shows on TV right now? I am a big fan of Dancing with the Stars and even want to try ballroom dancing one day. Do you think they are good for the art?

  3. Hi Miranda:

    It was a pleasure to read your blog as I look forward to visiting your site to gain ideas on choreography and song choice for child school plays. I agree that song choice may not have adequate coverage with most dance blogs.

    I plan to share this with a friend who is a class helper and helping out with the upcoming holiday school play. Thank you again, great timing.

  4. Miranda,

    Reading your blog was very insightful. I have a few friends that dance who I believe would also find your post very interesting. Blogging about what you are passionate about is a good way to build a network and an avenue to exploit your talents. Your post was very personal and because of that I believe it will reach your target audience better.
